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Let’s reach out to Russia – for the sake of peace overcoming a “bloc mentality” and ideological firewalls


Immanuel Kant: “Out of wood so crooked as that of which man is made, nothing absolutely straight can be wrought”



Challenging times await. Lithuania is reinforcing its border to Kaliningrad Oblast, formerly Königsberg. New barriers known as “dragon’s teeth” have been installed on the Queen Louise Bridge at the border crossing on the Nemunas River, which Germans know as the Memel. Additional dragon’s teeth are to be erected on the river’s banks and in the river itself – to “impede the movement of enemy troops.” It’s still possible, however, to cross the bridge to Sovetsk, formerly Tilsit, on foot.     

Tilsit was where my grandmother Gertrude Herbst was born. She often crossed the river with my mother to what was then Übermemel, today’s Panemuné, to shop at the market there. Borders were open, there was a lively exchange – it was part of normal daily life.


Let’s bypass the dragon’s teeth

Despite sanctions and dragon’s teeth, Königsberg/Kaliningrad is becoming a meeting place where many private and business interactions are taking place. Getting there is sometimes strenuous and inconvenient. But it’s possible. Buses leave from numerous cities in Germany, there are multiple connections every day from Gdansk. Many possibilities exist, all it takes is a little courage. Making use of these possibilities would be an important and sensible step towards a peaceful world order. Let’s reach out to Russia and the Russians. It’s up to us Germans.

I am convinced that this beautiful land of my ancestors will one day fulfill its destiny: to bring about reconciliation and peace.

Many thanks RIAC


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